End of Term

As this term comes to an end, it is important to say thank you to everyone who has made it a successful and safe one. Firstly, the staff has worked so hard to ensure that despite the various protective measures managed to continue to support great teaching and learning experiences for the children in our school. Particular thanks to Florence and Josephine for keeping the school so clean. A huge thanks to the parents for your support and patience as well as following all the safety guidelines. Finally, a genuine thanks to all the children of the school who adjusted so well to the changes with great resilience. We hope everyone has a great break. Happy Christmas to those who will be celebrating, and we wish everyone good things for the new year. Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh!

Each class has created a short video which will be sent in a separate email. We ask that these videos not be shared outside each class community.

Don’t forget to wear your winter jumper tomorrow and to bring a special treat. The children of the school have decided to have a collection tomorrow for Crumlin Children’s Hospital, so please bring any spare change you have. A reminder that there will be an early dismissal tomorrow. Children in infants should be collected at 11.50. The other classes will finish at 12.00. (Parents of infants with older siblings may collect their children at 12.00.)

Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back

Fifth Class have worked very hard to create a radio drama of the play they were set to perform just before the school closed back in March. They have created amazing visuals (large murals, computer drawings and pencil sketches) and recorded the play along with three songs. They’d be delighted if the families of the school would like to view it over the break using this link: